Paragraph  : Diaspora

Diaspora simply means movement of a group of people from one country to another.Infact,the term "diaspora" is used to refer to people who have left their homelands and settled in other parts of the world,either willingly  or being  forced  or for both reason.Though the world has seen many diasporas, the study of diaspora has  started to attract  scholars   only in recent decades.Among the great diasporas of history is that of the jewish people who were forced to leave their lands in ancient times. The movement of Aryans from central Europe to Indian Subcontinent thousands of years ago is also a noteworthy diaspora,although the causes of this diaspora are unclear. In twentieth century history, the palestinian diaspora has attracted a lot of attention and been a cause of concern for world leaders because of the plight of Palestinians.There have been massive diasporas in africa,too,over the centuries, either because of war or because of the ravages of nature. Similarly, During the liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971, many Hindus compelled to disperse in India. From different studies,  we can find a scenario of Bangladeshis diaspora all over the world.For example,  about 300000 Bangladeshis living in UK. The first generation seem to uphold their Identity as Bangladeshis whereas the second and third generation seem to uphold their Muslim Identity.
From another study it is found that about 600,000 Bangladeshis are living in Italy. Many Bangladeshis has been settled their in various sector including politics. But the life of diaspora after migrating to another place is not always up to the mark. Sometimes, they are deprived of enjoying fundamental rights and sometime they can enjoy fundamental rights more than they could enjoy in their former place.

Diaspora paragraph is so much important for hsc examination. Before examination, you have to memorize it any how. Because It’s very important for your exam. It's not sure that it will be hundreds percent  common in your examination but it’s can be common. 

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