Deforestation paragraph is very important for jsc, ssc and hsc examinations. The cutting down of trees indiscriminately to meet up the basic needs of food and housing and thus destroying the ecological balance is known as deforestation. Deforestation means cutting down plants randomly in huge number. I have given here four different deforestation paragraph for the examination. All of them were written very easily.     

Deforestation Paragraph  

The cutting down of trees indiscriminately to meet up the basic needs of food and housing and thus destroying the ecological balance is called deforestation. For the increasing number of population, we need more schools, colleges, offices, business establishments and various sorts of furniture. So we cut down many trees. Moreover, in many parts of Bangladesh, people are to depend on wood for cooking their food. To make fire, they cut down trees. This cutting down of trees iş deforestation which has many adverse effects. Deforestation disturbs our ecological balance. Animals and birds living in the forests are on the verge of extinction owing to deforestation. Inadequate number of trees causes drought and drought damages crops. When Deforestation may cause desertification in many parts of the world which poses a serious threat to our living. As a result of deforestation, carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide making the world warmer. It also causes the rise of sea-level and thereby floods coastal areas and farmland. Deforestation exerts many adverse effects on climate, agriculture and our life. We should try to stop deforestation and plant more and more trees. To prevent deforestation, some pragmatic steps
should be taken. A social movement should be launched to get rid of deforestation. Social awareness can be raised regarding the adverse effects of deforestation.

Deforestation Paragraph with Bangla meaning / bangla translation

Deforestation means cutting down of trees indiscriminately to meet up the basic needs of food and housing and thus destroying the ecological balance is called deforestation. For the increasing number of population, we need more schools, colleges, offices, business establishments and various sorts of furniture. So we cut down many trees.
খাদ্য ও আবাসনের প্রাথমিক চাহিদা মেটাতে নির্বিচারে গাছ কাটা এবং এভাবে পরিবেশগত ভারসাম্য নষ্ট করাকে 'বন বিধন/বৃক্ষ নিধন' বলা হয়। জনসংখ্যার ক্রমবর্ধমান সংখ্যার জন্য আমাদের আরও স্কুল, কলেজ, অফিস, ব্যবসা প্রতিষ্ঠান এবং বিভিন্ন ধরণের আসবাব প্রয়োজন। তাই আমরা অনেক গাছ কেটে ফেলেছি।

Moreover, in many parts of Bangladesh, people are to depend on wood for cooking their food. To make fire, they cut down trees. This cutting down of trees is deforestation which has many adverse effects.
তদুপরি, বাংলাদেশের অনেক জায়গায় লোকেরা তাদের খাবার রান্না করার জন্য কাঠের উপর নির্ভর করে।  আগুন জ্বালানোর জন্য তারা গাছ কেটে ফেলেছে। এভাবে গাছ কাটা হলো বৃক্ষ নিধন যা বহু প্রতিকূল প্রভাব ফেলে। 

Deforestation disturbs our ecological balance. Animals and birds living in the forests are on the verge of extinction owing to deforestation.
বৃক্ষনিধন আমাদের পরিবেশগত ভারসাম্যকে ব্যাহত করে। বনভূমিতে বসবাসকারী প্রাণী ও পাখি বন উজানের/বৃক্ষ নিধনের কারণে বিলুপ্তির পথে। 

When Deforestation may cause desertification in many parts of the world which poses a serious threat to our living. As a result of deforestation, carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide making the world warmer. It also causes the rise of sea-level and thereby floods coastal areas and farmland. Deforestation exerts many adverse effects on climate, agriculture and our life. We should try to stop deforestation and plant more and more trees. To prevent deforestation, some pragmatic steps should be taken. A social movement should be launched to get rid of deforestation. Social awareness can be raised regarding the adverse effects of deforestation.
যখন বৃক্ষনিধন পৃথিবীর অনেক জায়গায় মরুভূমির কারণ হয়ে দাড়াবে যা আমাদের জীবনযাত্রার জন্য মারাত্মক হুমকি। বন উজানের ফলে কার্বন ডাই অক্সাইড পৃথিবীকে উষ্ণতর করে তুলছে। এর ফলে সমুদ্রপৃষ্ঠের উত্থান হয় এবং উপকূলীয় অঞ্চল এবং কৃষিজমিগুলো বন্যায় প্লাবিত হয়।  বন উজাড় করা/বৃক্ষনিধন  জলবায়ু, কৃষি এবং আমাদের জীবনে অনেক প্রতিকূল প্রভাব ফেলে।  আমাদের বন উজাড়/বৃক্ষনিধন বন্ধ এবং আরও বেশি করে গাছ লাগানোর চেষ্টা করা উচিত।  বন উজাড়/বৃক্ষনিধন রোধে কিছু বাস্তববাদী পদক্ষেপ নেওয়া উচিত।  বন উজাড়/বৃক্ষনিধন থেকে মুক্তি পেতে একটি সামাজিক আন্দোলন শুরু করা উচিত।  বন উজাড়ের/বৃক্ষনিধনের বিরূপ প্রভাব সম্পর্কে সামাজিক সচেতনতা বাড়ানো যেতে পারে।

Deforestation Paragraph
Deforestation Paragraph  

Deforestation paragraph for hsc exam

Forest destruction needless is named deforestation. Reducing trees plenty is the main wrongdoer for this example. Folks area unit the most sponsor and conjointly the most victim of this. As a result, it causes Associate in Nursing ecologically broken the surroundings. Flora and fauna area unit destroying. The overall organic phenomenon is destroying day by day. Deforestation has long and shorts each form of effects. Several life animals and plants have gotten to lose their shelter. Particularly Paleozoic life area unit reckoning on trees for his or her survival. Not enough that, the climate is dynamical for this. Earth’s temperature is rising because of the loss of trees. That's known as ‘Global Warming ‘. Cleaning the forest space, man is creating a residential space or industrial area. For taking some peace we tend to provide a long run result on the surroundings and earth. The sole usage method of planting trees will recover deforestation. Planting trees to save lots of the world is the responsibility of individuals. Besides lookout and raising awareness is in a different way to get rid of deforestation.

Deforestation paragraph for ssc exam 

Cutting down trees and vegetation from forest space is understood as ‘Deforestation ‘. Several reasons are accountable for this. The expansion rate of individuals, lack of awareness, residential demand, industrial demand, etc. are accountable. Deforestation may be an unhealthy dire for our future earth. Each country has a minimum of twenty-five p.c of the forest space consistent with its total space. However, it's terribly troublesome to stay it. we tend to loss several life species. Our organic phenomenon is ever-changing day by day. Owing to our global climate change. All of those are the results of deforestation. Folks are removing forest space and create the territory. however, this forest space is functioning as a barrier to wind storming. Generally it's the most supply for the bread and butter of some folks. Trees lock soil loss within the flooding season. Provide shelter for animals. Communities are suffering thanks to prevent trees. Then animals are offensive the native space and cause a worse scenario. Deforestation caused environmental pollution. Global climate change is additionally for deforestation. A lot of folks want a lot of spaces, shelter, food, and alternative rights. however, by maintaining a designing approach we will meet all the wants. Prevent forest areas supererogatory isn't the proper approach. We must always follow a tenet, so we will solve either side. The use of rules for lowering forest areas is very important. A lot of trees planting is the best and differently of ill deforestation.

Deforestation paragraph for jsc exam  

Deforestation means that thinning out trees in sizable amount. The causes of deforestation area unit several. Asian countries is the most densely inhabited country within the world. Its population is far additional in proportion to its space. This Brobdingnagian variety of population desires additional shelter, agricultural land, fuel, piece of furniture, etc. For of these reasons, people cut trees. What is more there area unit some dishonest those that cut trees in our forests to make money. The results of deforestation area unit to several to explain. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. The existence of animals reaching to be vulnerable. Because of deforestation carbolic acid gas is increasing worldwide. As a result, the planet is turning into hotter. The sea level is rising and lots of elements of the planet is going to be engulfed by the ocean in the recent future. On the opposite hand, new area Unitas of the planet are turning into deserts as a result of deforestation. The removal of trees causes birds and alternative animals live on them to depart the place. It additionally causes serious harm to the soil, as trees provide protection to soil further. In the end, the soil gets sediment within the stream bed and causes frequent floods. So, if we to tend to destroy the trees arbitrarily, in the future the country can transform a good desert. All living animals and birds won't notice any food or shelter to measure in. they're going to be destroyed. {there can|there'll} be no rain and as a result our agriculture will face a good crisis. The temperature can rise and it'll cause atmospheric phenomenon. The country are unsuitable for living and numerous natural calamities like flood, drought, storm, etc. can visit our country. Immediate measures ought to be taken to forestall deforestation. Folks ought to be created attentive to tree plantation through mass media. Tree plantation program ought to be extended throughout the country.