1. (a) What is microorganism? Write the scope of microbiology.
(b) Write Kock's postulates for the identification of new pathogen.
(c) Explain "The Swan neck flask" experiment.
2. (a) What is “Prions”? Write the salient features of prions. Notul
(b) Write down the differences between Prions and Viroids.
(c) Mention the economic importance of Viriods.
3. (a) Classify the Virus on the basis of hosts.
(b) Differentiate between the lytic and lysogenic cycle.
(c) Describe the transmission of virus.
4. (a) Classify the Bacteria on the basis of size and nutrition.
(b) Define Bioflim. Describe the formation of Bioflim.
(c) Describe the recombination of bacteria through conjugation.
5. (a) What is Rickettsia?,
(b) Write the salient features of Rickettsia.
(c) Describe the multiplication of Rickettsia.
(d)Write the economic importance of Rickettsia.
6. (a) What is Bacterium?
(b) Write the names of two diseases caused by each of the
following microbes :
(i) Viriods; (ii) Mycoplasma; (iii) Chlamydia, and (vi) Actinomycetes.
(c) Compare the structure of Viriods, Mycoplasma and Chlamydia.
7. (a) What is meant by control of microorganisms?
(b) Describe the physical and chemical control methods of
(c) What is meant by antibiotic sensitivity assay? Discuss a method of
antibiotic sensitivity assay.
8. Write notes on:
a) Actinomycetes;
(b) Plasmid;
(C) TMV; and
(d) Endospore.