Duties of a Student Composition is very important for upcoming hsc, ssc and jsc examination. This composition is very common for class 6, 7,8, 9 and 10. Student life is the most important period of man's life. Every student have some duties. Students have some responsibilities too for the society. In this composition, I have discussed this duties and responsibilities of a student for his society and his country. All the students should learn this composition.
Write a composition on Duties of A Students in 300 words
Duties Of A Student
Society is an association of all classes of people with common interest, aim and principle. Students are not isolated from society. As members of society, they are bound to perform certain duties to society. There are many kinds of social services and students have a lot to do in this sector. Student life is the period for learning and training. But living in a developing country like ours.
Students have to render certain services for the development and progress of the nation. They may people. If that is not possible, they can at least teach domestic servants at their own house. Besides teaching the three R's-reading, writing and arithmetic, students can also teach the armers about modern methods of agriculture, the use of fertilizers and proper care of crops. They can also provide counselling on earning methods, for example, whether to dig a pond for fish cultivation or to make a farm. Students have duties towards society no doubt, but they should not always remain preoccupied with these. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations.
Students can take part in raising awareness regarding population problem. They can teach people the rules of health and sanitation. They can teach them how to reduce pollution and how to lead a healthy life by staying neat and clean. Most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. The foods they take have very little vitality. So, a large number of people suffer from various diseases. Students can teach these people some basic treatments for diseases like dysentery and small infections.
Students can prove to be worthy during natural calamities. In times of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake and epidemic they can come forward to help the people in distress. They can collect food, clothes and medicine and distribute them amongst the people in need.
There are many other duties that students can perform as conscious citizens of a country. But not all students are aware of their duties. To save the country, every student should come forward with a helping hand. But in doing so, they should not forget that proper attention should be given to their studies.
Write a composition about duties of a student / Write a composition on " Students and Social Service "
Students and Social Service
As students are the future leaders, they need to have a sound education which will enable them to do good to the nation. They should render social services during leisure or long vacations.
The students have youthful vigour and energy, warmth and inspiration. Students should devote themselves to the service of the society. They can organise social service squads in their respective, institutions to work in different areas. They can also organise welfare centers of humanitarian services among the poor and needy.
The students can do a lot in removing illiteracy by educating the people in a proper way. They may conduct night schools and instruct the ignorant about their homeland's history, moral
values, evils of superstition, need of co-operation, rules of health and social life, duties as citizens etc. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. And the farmers are not aware of the modern scientific methods of cultivation. The students can convince the people of the utility of modern methods of cultivation. They can motivate people to grow more food.
In critical positions of the country, students must lead the country. As the students can nurse the wounded in the field of war, they can save life of many soldiers. Bangladesh faces natural calamities every year. During these disasters, the students can help the distressed people.
An ideal student must keep himself ready to dedicate his supreme pleasure at the time of danger. Then and only then he or she will be regarded as the crown of the deprived people because, they are the selfless sections of the society. Their services are regarded as noble deeds. So, they must take active part in these noble deeds. And this is what we all expect from the ideal students.
Write a composition in about 200 words about "Duties and Responsibilities of Students"
Duties and Responsibilities of Students
Students are the future hope and strength of the nation. So, they should play an important role in rendering services to the society in which they live in. The student life is said to be the seed time of life. In other way, we may say that a student must get the thing that he prepares for himself at this time.
Students are the future citizens of the country. So, it is their main duty to acquire knowledge. As they are the future leaders, they need to have a sound education which will enable them to do good to the nation. They should render social services during leisure time or during long vacations.
The students have youthful vigour and so energy, warmth and inspiration. Students should devote themselves to the service of the society. They can organise social service squads in their respective institutions to work in different areas. They can also organise welfare centers of humanitarian services among the poor and needy.
The students can do a lot to remove illiteracy by educating the people in the proper way. They may conduct night schools and instruct the ignorant about their homeland's history, moral values, evils of superstition, need of co-operation, laws of health and social life, duties as citizens etc.
Population problem is a great problem in our country. Most of the people of our country have no knowledge about family planning. As the citizens of the country, the students should make the people aware of the value of family planning.
Bangladesh is an agricultural country. And the farmers are not aware of the modern system of cultivation. The students can convince the people of the utility of modern methods of cultivation. They can motivate people to grow more food.
In critical positions of the country, students must lead the country. As the students can nurse the wounded in the field of war, they can save life of many soldiers. Bangladesh faces natural calamities every year. During these disasters, the students can help the distressed people.
An ideal student must keep himself ready to dedicate his supreme pleasure at the time of danger. Then and only then he will be regarded as the crown of the deprived people because, they're the selfless sections of the society. Their services are regarded as noble deeds. So, they must take active part in these noble deeds. And this is what we all expect from an ideal student.
Good one
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