Write an Email to your friend consoling him about lost his father recently:

From: abc@gmail.com

To: xyz@gmail.com

Sent: Friday, 17 February 2017, 04:25pm.

Subject: Expressing my condolence at our father’s death

My dear Shajib

I am extremely shocked to know that your father is no more in this world. The news of your father’s demise came to me just like a bolt from the blue | could not think that he would die such a premature death. He was so healthy and cheerful. The loss of a father or mother is irreparable. I do not know how to console you in such a situation. You know the man is mortal. All of us will have to go from this world this way.

I pray to Allah that He might give you the strength and patience to bear this loss. May your father’s soul rest in heaven.

Your loving friend,


An email to your friend consoling him about lost his father recently
An email to your friend consoling him about lost his father recently