Subject: Yesterday's class

Hey [Friend's name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to tell you about what we covered in class yesterday. We had an interesting class on [topic of class]. The professor started by reviewing some key concepts from previous classes, which helped to refresh our memory.

Then, we dove into some new material. We learned about [specific concept or topic that was covered]. It was really fascinating and I enjoyed learning about it. The professor used real-world examples to help us understand the material better.

Additionally, we also had a group discussion where we could share our thoughts and perspectives on the topic. It was great to hear different opinions and learn from my classmates.

Overall, it was a productive class and I feel like I have a better understanding of the topic now. I'm looking forward to our next class and hopefully, we can continue to learn more about it.

Let me know if you have any questions about the class or if you want to discuss it more.

Take care,

[Your name]

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An email to your friend describing your about Lessons taught in the class yesterday

Subject: Yesterday's class

Hey [Friend's name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to tell you about what we covered in class yesterday. It was an engaging session on [topic of class]. The professor started by introducing some new concepts and ideas which was really insightful.

We also learned about [specific concept or topic that was covered] in details which was really informative. Professor used a variety of teaching methods like visual aids, real-life examples, and interactive activities to make the class more interesting and to keep us engaged.

Moreover, we had several hands-on activities that helped us to understand the concepts better. I found it very helpful and it was great to apply what we learned in class.

Overall, it was a great class and I learned a lot. I'm really excited to see how I can apply these concepts in my future work.

Let me know if you have any questions about the class or if you want to discuss it more.

Take care,

[Your name]