One there was a stag in a forest. He felt very thirsty and went to a stream to drink water. The water of the pool was so clear that…......

Now complete the story with your own words: The title of the completing story may be in short like :–

Completing story - 01:

Title: All that glitters is not gold

One there was a stag in a forest. He felt very thirsty and went to a stream to drink water. The water of the pool was so clear that he could see his image in the water. he was very charmed to see the image of his horn. But when he saw his legs, he was very sorry because his legs were very thin and ugly.

While thinking so, he saw a hunter coming towards him with his hounds. The stag was so afraid that he started running fast to save his life. His legs helped him to run fast. But his horns got entangled with the creepers in the bushes. He fell. The hunter came and killed him. Had he not the horns, he might not have been killed.

Moral of the story: All that glitters is not gold

Completing Story on:

  • All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story
  • All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
  • All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story for hsc
  • All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story
  • Completing Story on All That Glitters is not Gold
  • Completing Story on Robert Bruce and His Kingdom
  • All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story for hsc exam
  • All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story jsc, ssc and hsc
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  • All That Glitters is not Gold completing story for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, jsc, ssc and hsc exam
100% common Paragraphs for HSC examination[All Board], Click here.

Completing story - 02:

All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story for jsc, ssc and hsc exam

Title: The Stag and his Vanity

One day, a stag was very hungry and went to a pool to drink water. While drinking water, he could see his reflection in the water. He was very impressed by his horns. He thought to himself that his horns made him look majestic and powerful. He became so obsessed with his appearance that he would often spend hours just admiring his reflection in the pool.

One day, a group of hunters saw the stag and decided to capture him. The stag was so busy admiring his horns that he did not notice the hunters until it was too late. The hunters trapped him and took him away.

The stag soon realized that his vanity had been his downfall. He had been so focused on his appearance that he had not paid attention to his surroundings, and as a result, he had been caught by the hunters.

Moral of the story:  All that glitters is not gold

100% common (For All Board) Email writing for HSC examination, Click here.

Completing story - 03:

All That Glitters is not Gold Completing Story jsc, ssc and hsc

Title: The Stag's Humility

One day, a thirsty stag went to drink water from a pool. While drinking, he caught sight of his reflection in the water. He was awestruck by the sight of his magnificent horns. He thought to himself, "Allah is very kind to have blessed me with such beautiful horns."

However, as the stag continued to admire his reflection, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a pack of wolves lurking in the distance, ready to attack him. The stag quickly realized that he had become so absorbed in his own appearance that he had failed to notice the danger lurking around him.

He ran away as fast as he could, and as he ran, he felt grateful to Allah for giving him the ability to run swiftly and escape from danger. The stag realized that he should not become so proud of his appearance or his abilities that he forgot to remain vigilant.